Republic of Lebanon

Our Priorities

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The National ICT Strategy consists of the following 7 pillars:

  • Broadband and physical infrastructure
  • Legal Framework
  • e-government
  • Education and human capacity development
  • ICT as a production sector
  • Innovation, Research and Development
  • ICT for social and economic development.

These pillars constitute the National ICT Strategy Unit's axis of action and implementation, and around each of these pillars, Priority Projects need to be implemented.

While all ICT related initiatives are good for the country, the Priority Projects are those that are most impactful, moving Lebanon a notch forward towards its goal of becoming a center of excellence in the provision of ICT services.

The Priority Projects are selected based on the following criteria:

  • Need: at this stage, projects that are pre-requisite for ICT development have been selected. 
  • Impact: those projects to be most impactful on the ICT eco-system have been selected.
  • Available resources and champions: While we want to do everything, it will only be possible to implement a certain number of projects according to our ambitious plan and given existing resources.

The Priority Projects were divided into 2 groups.  The first group of projects is Internal will be implemented by the National ICT Strategy Coordination Unit, and the second group of projects is External will be implemented by the concerned stakeholders.  In all cases, the National ICT Strategy Coordination unit will provide help and support, follow up and technical assistance to all implemented projects.  Finally, the National ICT Strategy Coordination Unit will organize a donors meeting to try to secure funding for all the Priority Projects
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