Republic of Lebanon

Who We Are

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The National ICT Strategy Coordination Unit has been established on July 1st, 2010 at the Prime Minsiter's Office (PMO) with the long term objective of making Lebanon a global centre of excellence for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) services. To this, it will strive to make Lebanon the region’s main Hub for e-services, creativity and innovation in Telecom and Internet Services.

Our Motto, “The Connected Republic of Lebanon”, means literally that Lebanon should be connected to its people and to the world.

The National ICT Strategy Coordination Unit is the implementation arm of the National ICT Strategy developed between 2003 and 2005 by the Office of the Minister of State for Administrative Reform (OMSAR) in partnership with the UNDP. In fact, the Unit creation at the PMO was recommended by OMSAR in 2005, and this was done for a specific reason:
  • The scope of ICT and the diversity of Ministries and Public Sector’s Organizations having ICT as part of their mandate, in addition to the Private Sector Counterparts, on one hand;
  • The Coordination Authority among ministries granted solely to the Council of Ministers, as per paragraph 7 of item 64 of the Lebanese Constitution, on the other hand.

It is worth emphasizing that the PMO is the Coordinator of the National ICT Strategy. As such, it does not normally implement projects directly, it rather acts as the Chief Information Officer (CIO) to ensure that all enntities and stakeholders are synergizing their efforts and resources towards common objectives and that priority projects necessary to move Lebanon forward are being duly implemented and in due time.
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